Maria Maiorana
Maria MaioranaPrincipal
Philip Grosset
Philip GrossetAssistant Principal and Year 4 Blue Teacher
Hannah Elliott
Hannah ElliottReligious Education Co-ordinator and Stage 3 White Teacher
Sarah Roumanos
Sarah RoumanosCo-ordinator and Kindergarten Blue Teacher
EAL/D Teacher Annmarie Clayton
Kinder Blue Teacher Sarah Roumanos
Kinder Blue Teacher Antonetta Brex
Kinder Gold Teacher Jacqueline Doherty
Kinder White Teacher Mary Jeong
1 Blue Teacher Tiana Ishac
1 Gold Teacher Rylee Walsh
2 Blue Teacher Mary Grosvenor
2 Gold Teacher Jenny McDonald
3 Blue Teacher Teresa Taber
3 Gold Teacher Kylie De Nobrega
3 Gold Teacher Jacqueline Porpaczy
4 Blue Teacher Philip Grosset
4 Blue Teacher Adele Hage
4 Gold Teacher Sarah Kulumundris
Stage 3 Blue Teacher Lauren Biazzo
Stage 3 Gold Teacher Suzanne Symonds
Stage 3 Gold Teacher
Stage 3 White Teacher Hannah Elliott
Stage 3 White Teacher Chris O’Flaherty
Music  Chris O’Flaherty
Library Jane Reeves
Library Sr Sally Camilleri
Diverse Learning Teacher Tania Bucciarelli
New Arrivals Lucy Hollis
Family Educator Kasia Lavaroto
School Support Officer Christine Noyes
School Support Officer Korina Kinda
School Support Officer Kathy Roumanos
Learning Support Officer Kathleen Brady
Learning Support Officer Dayana Pazmino-Jaramillo
Learning Support Officer Sally Clark
Learning Support Officer Irene Simms